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EuGH: Das Gericht der EU erklärt die Klagen für unzulässig, die von der Nord Stream AG und der Nord Stream 2 AG gegen die Richtlinie ...

... 2019/692 erhoben wurden, mit der bestimmte Vorschriften für den Erdgasbinnenmarkt auf Gasfernleitungen aus Drittländern erstreckt werden

Das EuG (8. Kammer) hat mit Urteil vom 20. 5. 2020 – Rs. T-526/19 und T-530/19; Nord Stream 2 AG gegen Europäisches Parlament, Rat der Europäischen Union, ECLI:EU:T:2020:210 – wie folgt entschieden:

1. The documents produced by Nord Stream 2 AG as Annexes A. 14 and O. 20 are removed from the file and there is no need to take account of the passages of the application and annexes in which extracts of those documents are reproduced.

2. The application for a decision on a procedural issue submitted by the Council of the European Union is dismissed as to the remainder.

3. The documents produced by Nord Stream 2 as Annexes M. 26 and M. 30 are removed from the file.

4. The action is dismissed as inadmissible.

5. There is no need to adjudicate on the applications for leave to intervene submitted by the Republic of Estonia, by the Republic of Latvia, by the Republic of Lithuania, by the Republic of Poland and by the European Commission.

6. Nord Stream 2 is ordered to pay the costs of the European Parliament and of the Council, except for those relating to the applications for leave to intervene.

7. Nord Stream 2, the Parliament and the Council, as well as the Republic of Estonia, the Republic of Latvia, the Republic of Lithuania, the Republic of Poland and the Commission, are to bear their own costs in relation to the applications for leave to intervene.


Das EuG entschied außerdem am 20. 5. 2020 in der Rs. T-530/19; Nord Stream AG gegen Europäisches Parlament, Rat der Europäischen Union, ECLI:EU:T:2020:213
